How is it like to be at Gamescom? (my experience, some tips)

My wish to experience the Gamescom (that had 335 000 visitors in 2014) started to grow about two years ago. It sadly didn't work out in 2013, but in 2014 my wish had been fulfilled.

Gamescom is the biggest gaming fair and is being held in Cologne, Germany since 2009. Unlike it's american friend E3 which is accessible only to press, Gamescom helds it's doors wide open for all people, press or not.

Essential thing is that you pre-order / buy tickets online, prior to the event (better a few months before it starts). A great way not to miss the start of tickets' sale is to subscribe to their official newsletter: 

Did anyone think about how much electricity went for all the displays?

One thing you're going to see a lot at the fair are the lines. As soon as you get to the entrance, you will get into a line (there are a lot of people there). Outside (and inside) of the fair you can find booths where you can get bracelet based on your age (12+ green, 16+ blue, 18+ red). If a game is 16+ and you only have green bracelet, then you won't be able to play it. Keep in mind that quite a lot of exhibitors (mostly the ones that have booths where 16+ or 18+ age is required) will ask you for your photo ID being shown before they let you play their game (because you know, you could gain access to the red bracelet even if you're not 18+). If you lose your bracelet you can find nearest booth with it and they will give you another one.

Gamescom is a crowded place. Publishers are really trying to make their booths look great and appealing. Some of them did a better job than others, but all of them contributed to better, exciting atmosphere.

Want to try and dance? Much fun (I didn't try though)!

You can, of course, try new games, but lines are pretty long. I waited 1.5 hours to get hands on Shadow of Mordor (PS4 version)  for 15 minutes. For Destiny I waited 2 hours, hovewer there I also received a free T-shirt and a card with artwork and in-game controls printed on it.

There are a lot more of other activities:
Watching competitive games (check schedule online before hand so you don't miss them and come to the event quite some time before it starts because you can bet that a lot of people will try to go and watch it, while seats are limited), trying to get something during giveaways, get hands on new gear (Oculus Rift, Nvidia Shield), checking merchandise (gaming apparel, comics, books, replicas ...), participating in events such as singing or dancing on stages, checking out the cosplayers (and taking pics with them!), gaming artwork, eating pretzels, overpaying water (bring yours with yourself so you save something here) and last but not least waiting in lines. It is crowded!

Even though all information about games and their latest news can be very easy to obtain online (from the comfort of your own couch), Gamescom is an experience you shouldn't miss if you can afford it. It definitely is an unique fair. One of a kind.

The ticket to access all of the above costs around 10 € (see pricing here). It is not that expensive, in comparison to the travelling and accommodation cost. I recommed you to book at least few months in advance. If you don't manage to get appartment / hotel in the Cologne itself try booking in one of the nearest cities. Last year a train ticket was included in the price of the fair ticket (you got as an extra) so even if you we're accommodated outside of the Cologne (like me) hopping on the train, waiting 10 - 15 minutes and being delivered to the main station (that is literally next to the exhibiton center) was not an issue.
I'd recommed you to plan your trip the way that you go see something else aswell (besides experiencing Gamescom). Amsterdam is nice and close so consider it! Also, bring your friends and family with you so you won't be bored and you will have someone to talk to (keep in mind that your family might not be so interested in gaming as you are). You will probably get tired aswell (it can be quite exhausting), but if you're into it, you will have to motivation to keep "exploring" :)

eSports (this was LoL stage)

Cosplay at Shadow of Mordor booth


  • Bring backpack and foldable chair (hunting chair) and something to play / read while you wait in lines (if you want to play any big AAA games and you're not there, at the booth as soon as it opens you will have to wait quite a long time). Some people were playing cards and when the line moved for 15 meters they moved aswell, then stopped and continued playing. 
  • Have food and drink with you - this will save you some money, but I still recommend you to go into Cologne and "explore" the city (go check their Cathedral). Info on what to do / see in Cologne here.
  • As I said before train ticket is included (well at least it was last year) in Gamescom ticket. Booking a hotel outside the Cologne in a city / town next to it can be good idea, since you might get hotel room cheaper. All you have to do in the morning is to hop on the train.
  • Try to get to the exhebition center at least one hour before it opens (even in that case it's guaranteed you won't be first in line) - that way you will skip a lot of lines. Good method is to get to the entrance early in the morning and as soon as you get into the fair go straight to the booth of the game you'd like to try the most - in this case you will minimize the waiting in lines.
For more information keep an eye out on their website:

Lines outside of the fair (early in the morning)

How often do you see men restroom more crowded than women?

CoD Advanced Warfare special Xbox bundle

During the Gamescom a new Xbox bundle has been announced. It features beautifully, painted controller and nicely painted Xbox. It's coated in nice golden and grey, rich looking colors. Check picture below.

This bundle is themed in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare that comes out in 4th of November. The Bundle will also feature 1 Terabyte of disk space, instead of usual 500 Gigabytes.
Of course, you get some goodies - code for "Day Zero", which is a digital edition of the game that comes with some bonuses:

  • 24 hours earlier access to the game than other buyers, that get "normal" version of the game.
  • Double XP for one day
  • AK-12G (assault rifle)
  • B-2 (crossbow)
  • Bullet brass exoskeleton
  • EM1 (quantum directed energy weapon)

The box looks nice, but it's sad you don't get physical copy of the game, it's all digital.
Definitely looks nice

I don't care for one day of early gameplay, hovewer this items look pretty cool. The bundle can be yours for 499.99€ or 499.99$, which is reasonable price, consider that base console will cost you 100€ / $ less. So all extra stuff (paint, items, early acces) is priced at 100€ / $. Worth it?

When I saw this bundle live in Gamescom it took over me. It really made me want to buy Xbox One, which probably won't happen in the near future, but I really think this is the best Xbox One bundle out there. And with the promising look of the new CoD it could sell very good.

The question is, how will it look on your shelve in 2 or 3 years when the new sequel comes out. Outdated? Nostalgic? Still actual? Would you care for that or not?

Images are taken from
1st picture:
2nd picture:

How to fix: NFS Shift 2 Unleashed not starting after activation

I just bought Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed. I activated my code through Steam, installed the game, activated it and nothing happened. I tried again (few times) and then started to check the forums.
I checked the drivers, tried with tweaking some settings in Control Panel (post here), but none of that worked.
I also activated the game on Origin (yes, you can do that, with the same CD-key you got on Steam actually), installed and activated it there too but, again, nothing after installation (of course I tried to run it as administrator).

I dug further and found this thread, with a solution. Here is what was suggested in the thread and also worked for me:
  • Redeem, install and activate the game on Origin (I am not sure if it works on Steam too, it should I suppose)
  • Navigate to installation folder of Shift 2 Unleashed
  • Rename program "shift2u" to "shift2"
  • Right click on renamed program ("shift2") and click "Run as Administrator"

It should work (at least it did for me)!

Is it smart to buy games at launch?

There are a lot of announced games that will come out in following months and I've asked myself why I should or should not buy them at launch. There are some factors that wage on one and some on other side, but to be honest, I think waiting some time after release pays off (at least for most of the games).

When the game is announced and when we see first trailers, hype around the game usually starts (if the game looks interesting, of course). That hype helps developers and publishers to sell their games straight at launch Grand Theft Auto V is a great example of this. Months before the game's release the whole internet was talking about it. That helped the game to break six world records (Guiness World Records page about it) and made tons of money.
All that hype (and marketing department) affect your opinion about the game itself. Since everyone would be talking about the game you'd get "shrinked" into it's world too and would, therefore, enjoy it more.

One of the games that was very hyped was Titanfall. I can't say you if the hype was real or not, beacuse I haven't played it (yet, I hope)1

The game community is as active as it will probably ever be at launch. Discussions are the most active, multiplayer has the most players and the developers are more receptive for bug fixes, patches and implementing community's ideas into the game (hovewer after game's release we rarely see that). Later on, when the game isn't selling that well, it's less likely for developers to focus their time on already released game instead of making a new one (which would bring them money).
Some developers are more willing to listen to community, players than others, but that's another story.

If you're fan of a game and have to have special/limited/collector's edition of the game that's coming out, you should consider buying it at launch, beacuse later on price of these editions (if unopened) may increase drastically.
If you're interested in collector's editions then you might want to check
But there are also bad sides of getting games at launch. One of them are bugs. Even though, some games have early access or beta, the amount of bugs at the release probably is larger that later on, when developers (with a help of our, gamer's, feedback) make the game even better.

Another reason why you could postpone your purchase is that the hype, built around the game might not be true. The game could also turn out to be something completely different that you've expected. It might have looked pretty on the trailers, but when you get to play it, it looks something quite different (don't get me wrong: graphics don't have to be ultra high, but showing some sort of graphic at the reveal and downgrading them later, that's not fair. A lot of people complained about Watch Dogs graphics that turned out to be worse than expected. I did not play that game so I can not judge about that).

The last and likely most important factor for not buying a game on launch day is full price. Hovewer, if you pre-order a game for full price you usually get some sort of bonus (skin, weapon ...) but keep in mind that those bonuses can be bought later on (if you realize you enjoy the game so much you just have to have them). Also, excluding bonuses, why would you pre-order games? Isn't it better to wait a day or two, read some reviews and then device if game is worth buying or not? That way you make sure you don't buy a bad game + you don't really miss anything.

If you have pre-ordered Battlefield 4 you also got China Rising DLC (that can now be bought for 14.99 €)2

Later on, after some time passes and all the reviews are out you can get better view of the game. The developers have also make their game better and the price of it is smaller (this might not be always true, but Battlefield 3, for example, was even free for some period of time. This happened around 3 years after it's release). But there are also downsides. Game is not discussed over forums so much anymore (unless it was featured in really popular sale/bundle and everybody starts talking about it again) and player base is smaller (less active multiplayer).

This might be just me, but when I buy a game in a bundle or something like that I look at it a bit different than if I buy it for full price. Maybe the full price and the hype colors my opinion about the game, but I tend to spend more time with the game if I buy it for more money.

I hope this article helps you to decide if the game is worth getting at launch. I normally wait until some time passes and I see if the game really is what it's trying to be and if it's worth the money.

Image source:

Free to Play is great movie (my thoughts)

Free to play is a documentary made by Valve, that has been released on 19th of March 2014. The title of the movie is a bit misleading, because the movie itself doesn't focus on free to play games or anything related, instead it actually follows a story of 3 professional Dota 2 players and their's competition on The International 2011.

The International is one of the biggest Dota 2 tournaments and it's organized by Valve Corporation. It is an annual event that was already held 3 times (started in 2011 in Cologne, Germany). Sixteen teams are personally invited to compete, eliminate other teams and win a huge prize money. More about it can be read on Wikipedia or official site.

In 2011 prize for the winner was 1.000.000 $ (biggest prize at that time). Secnd place was awarded with 250.00$ and third with 150.000$ (I don't want to spoil you who won, although you might already know it).

As said, movie explores life of three professional gamers:

  • Benedict "Hyhy" Lim (Singapore)
  • Danil "Dendi" Ishutin (Ukraine)
  • Clinton "Fear" Loomis (USA)

It shows their passion to the game, their dedication and all the problems of being a professional gamer - unstable income, struggle with social life, parents, family, school ... It also gives us an overview of thier lives and things that made them who they are today.

The documentary is very well made. It combines quality footage from their home cities, from the tournament itself as well as in-game footage and animations. Everything is wrapped in 75 minutes of visually appealing movie with very interesting story.

This movie was something unique and I hope we'll see more movies like this in the future. If you're Dota player or even a casual gamer, then this movie is something you don't want to miss.

Are Gunnar glasses worth it?

My gunnars
Gunnar glasses I've been using for a year
For those that don't know what Gunnar glasses are: They are glasses that are made for being worn when dealing with computer (looking on screen). They increase contrast of what you're looking on screen, enhance detail, decrease eye fatigue, improves focus and improve visual endurance (for long gaming sessions or long work with computer).
That is what the producer states. But is it true and does it make them worth their money (prices vary from around 60$+)?

Before keep on talking let me say that I've been having gunnars for about a year. I got them as a present and they still serve me well. They cost around 100$ + shipment (I am not entirely sure, because I didn't buy them, but I think it was something like that).

Back to the question.
From my own experience I can say that when you put them on you literally see the difference, because of the slightly yellow lenses. Although they don't make a ground breaking difference in things such as gaming, they definitely make you look cooler and they do enhance your vision a bit.

If I am having long game sessions (rarely, though) they do make a difference so I wear them, but I don't put them on for a quick facebook check or something like that.

If you are gamer that uses computer a lot (few hours a day) then I would recommend you checking their website for additional info (
I also got Logitech G35 headset and they fit well with it, so no problem with that :)

I can't say much about improving focus, because I can see (if I focus my look) single pixels on my laptop (with or without gunnars), but statement that they improve contrast is, from my experience, true.

So, as said, if you use computer quite a lot I would recommend them to you. On the other hand, if you use computer just for watching movies, checking facebook etc. they still do their job, but their purpose is, in my opinion, not fulfilled. You can also consider gunnars as a gift for someone you know that will be more than happy to wear them (maybe as a christmas gift).

Price? You can get gaming models for around 60$ and up (depends whether there are sales going on or not). Decide for yourself but it is one time purchase for glasses you can wear "until you broke them", so I don't think it is too much.


No matter if you wear your gunnars or not you can follow these steps for "not ruining your eyes so much" while using computer:

  • Look into object around 6 meters (20 feet) away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds
  • Keep your screen clean so your eyes don't need to try hard to focus things on it
  • Adjust the contrast and brightness that fits your eyes best
  • Room you're working in shouldn't be too dark or too bright

If you still have any question regarding gunnar glasses and my experience with them, leave me a comment.

How to get into Battlefield 4 Beta

If you want to get into Battlefield 4 Beta (that is out on 1st of the October). Battlefield 4's release date is set on 29th of the October though.

So, let's get to the topic. If you meet at least one of the following points you will get acces to BF4 Beta:
Are you planning to get into Battlefield 4 Beta or not (and why)?