Top 5 most wanted games of Fall & Winter 2013

Fall is coming and with it some of the most anticipated games of this year. Since there are a lot of great games coming and I don't know which one is the best, the following order is random (release dates are for PC)

Assassins Creed: Black Flag (Q4 2013)
This part of Assassins Creedtakes place in the times of pirates. We will be able to explore islands, drive with ships and fight eith them + do all the cool things we were able to do so far. I think this is closest game to how it would look like if you could play movie Pirates from Caribbean. Check trailer below:


Call of Duty: Ghosts (5.11.2013)
Fast paced action - seems like another Call of Duty (you will be able to slide and lean + they were mentioning dynamic maps). If you liked Black Ops 2 I think you will like Ghosts too. I need to say, that I hope next Cod will be take place in WW II. instead of modern warfare (All the CoDs from CoD 4 on are placed in modern warfare). Trailers look preety good though:

Reveal trailer:

Grand Theft Auto (17.9.2013 - but not (yet) for PC :| )
Imagine open world where you can do almost anything: stock trading, riding bike, playing tennis or golf, parachuting, driving planes, quad driving ... + Map will be bigger than Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas and GTA IV combined! This could be game of the year.
Game is not yet announced for PC - I really hope it will be.

Check it for yourself:

Battlefield 4 (29.10.2013)
Bringing back the commander, levolutionizing the battle and big scale all out warfare. Flying a jet, driving a heli, shooting with tank or playing as infanty: I think this game will feel epic and fun.


Watch Dogs (19.11.2013)
Reminds me of GTA V, but on much more dramatical way. You play in an open world as a guy, that can monitor and hack into city's network (traffic lights, electricity, fire alarms) which helps him on his path to revenge ...  It really looks interesting.


Let me know which game(s) are you waiting for the most?

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